terça-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2013

CHECK OUT FROM REUTERS "Brazilian Congress elects leaders probed for corruption"


Brazilian Congress elects leaders probed for corruption

By Anthony Boadle | Reuters – Mon, Feb 4, 2013

Reuters/Reuters - Brazil's Senate President, Senator Renan Calheiros (R), stands next to President of the Chamber of Deputies, congressman Henrique Alves (C), during the opening ceremony of the legislative …more year in the Brazilian Parliament in Brasilia February 4, 2013. REUTERS/Ueslei Marcelino (BRAZIL - Tags: POLITICS) less

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BRASILIA (Reuters) - In a country that has taken big strides toward greater transparency in government in recent years, the Brazilian Congress is out of step.

The lower chamber of Congress voted overwhelmingly on Monday for Henrique Alves to become its speaker, even though he is under investigation for graft. The selection of Alves came after the Senate chose a new leader who is also accused of corruption.

Ordinary Brazilians see the choices as a step backward in an unprecedented clean-up in Brazilian politics in the past two years that saw six ministers fired because of corruption allegations and a judiciary crackdown on political graft.

Alves is a veteran of 42 years in Congress who survived corruption allegations a decade ago when his ex-wife said in a bitter divorce that he had stashed $15 million in offshore accounts. Prosecutors are still investigating her allegations.

On Friday the Senate chose Renan Calheiros as its president. He was forced to resign from the post in 2007 due to a scandal involving payments by a lobbyist to maintain his former mistress.

"The extracurricular activities of these two characters are well known," said political scientist David Fleischer of the University of Brasilia. "Their election is bad for Congress' worsening reputation."

Both men represent states in the poorer northeast of Brazil where traditional crony politics still prevail. They belong to the largest political party, the PMDB, the most important ally in President Dilma Rousseff's coalition government.

Rousseff established a reputation for not tolerating corruption by firing six ministers in her first year in office in 2011, which made her very popular among middle-class Brazilians despite a stagnating economy in the once-booming Latin American nation.

She distanced herself from corruption scandals that have implicated officials in the government of her mentor and predecessor Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

But it is the judiciary that has made the biggest splash in recent efforts to clean up Brazilian politics. In a landmark case, the Supreme Court convicted leaders of the ruling Workers' Party for buying votes in Congress to support Lula's government a decade ago.

It was Brazil's biggest political corruption case and the Supreme Court did not hesitate in convicting Lula's close political associates, including his former chief of staff Jose Dirceu.


Among those convicted in the so-called "mensalao" - or big monthly payment - case were four members of Congress. But when the Supreme Court ruled that they should be stripped of their political rights, the reply from Congress was a flat refusal.

Its reluctance to expel corrupt politicians has enhanced the views of many Brazilians that officials elected to Congress are enriching themselves at the expense of the nation.

Opinion polls show that Brazilians believe their political parties are among the most corrupt institutions, along with the police, with the military and the churches seen as the cleanest.

"At this time when political activity is so vilified, I want to express my sincere appreciation for the indispensable work of the Congress," Rousseff said in a message of encouragement to legislators at the start of the new session of Congress.

The election of scandal-tinged leaders, however, will further undermine the legislature's reputation and reduce its influence, said opposition congressman Chico Alencar of the Socialism and Freedom Party (PSoL), who was a long-shot candidate to head the lower house.

"Congress has lost ground because these two men belong to the PMDB, a party whose only interest is staying in power," Alencar said. "This is a victory for clientelist politics. What's worse is that they could be indicted for corruption."

Changing Brazilian politics will be an uphill battle, skeptical Brazilians say.

"It's hard to get rid of corrupt politicians. The people vote for them because they want handouts of bricks or houses or jobs," said taxi driver Everaldo Barbosa. "That's the Brazilian political system. The populace likes it that way."

(Additional reporting by Jeferson Ribeiro; Editing by Bill Trott)

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sexta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2013

O povo brasileiro agradece sua coragem e competência, mostrada nos primeiros dias de mandato


Andrea Matarazzo justifica devolução de terreno do Instituto Lula

Publicado em 08/02/2013

"Quero aproveitar aqui e colaborar com a cidade e fazer uma proposta aos meus colegas desta Casa legislativa. Todos sabemos que há uma grande carência de terrenos na cidade para a construção de creches, de escolas, de casas. Por isso, peço para que se revogue, na forma da Lei, a concessão de um terreno da Prefeitura de mais de quatro mil metros quadrados feita a uma instituição de caráter privado, o Instituto Lula, e, por esta área, dar início ao programa de construção de creches para ampliação das vagas em São Paulo.

Troque, senhor Prefeito, a cessão de um terreno a um grupo privado pela cessão de um terreno às creches que São Paulo ainda precisa!
Não, senhores! Não vai bravata nisso que digo. Não estou pedindo ao Prefeito que realize o impossível. Ao contrário: ESTOU PEDINDO QUE SE DEVOLVA AO PÚBLICO AQUILO QUE AO PÚBLICO PERTENCE."

É um absurdo a doação de um terreno público, estimado em R$ 20 milhões para criar o tal instituto, que nada agregará para a cidade!! São Paulo não quer nem Lula, nem esse instituto!!

Responder · 2

Parabéns, Vereador!

O povo brasileiro agradece sua coragem e competência, mostrada nos primeiros dias de mandato.

Repito,bela iniciativa, pq não faz o mesmo com o terreno grilado pela Globo? É por isso que não há oposição, que o PSDB está indo para o buraco. Envergonham Covas, Motta! Virou o partido da picuinha!

Responder ·

E a história do Mube, que fim levou vereador?

são muito caras de pau né? Nem precisava justificar com creches, com nada...

Não precisa nem justificar com a necessidade de creches... Essa doação de área pública enorme, onde a cidade precisa de mais moradia para população de baixa renda (ou "nova classe média"), para um Instituto, fosse ele qual fosse, é absurda. Kassab fez sua média, a Câmara também (com Lula, naturalmente, que tirou "Cidadania" do nome do Instituto para colocar seu próprio nome...) e a cidade que se dane. O Instituto deveria devolver o terreno, isso sim.

        Responder · 2

quinta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2013




"BBBêbados, os brothers chegados numa bebida!

As festas na casa mais vigiada no Brasil são regadas a
alcool e fazem com que os brothers percam a linha muito
acima do esperado "
Entretanto insistimos na busca de uma CULTURA DE
Sent a link to this blog.

"A importância do foco nas mortes provocadas pelos acidentes fatais, deve-se ao fato de considerar-se que as mortes representam a ponta do iceberg da violência que acontece no tráfego em nossas vias públicas. Nem todas, nem sequer a grande maioria das violências cotidianas terminam em mor­te; mas a morte representa o grau extremo, limite, dessa violência."
(Waiselfisz JJ, 2012)


ATENÇÃO MOTORISTAS DE BETIM E REGIAO NESTE CARNAVAL: "Tolerância zero para bebida e direção"

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